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New Generation Networks: a Networking Trend;
New Generation Networks: a Networking Trend

dc.creatorCastillo Medina, Carlos Arturo
dc.creatorSalcedo Parra, Octavio José
dc.creatorForero Rodríguez, Felipe
dc.descriptionThis paper offers a comprehensive survey of recent developments in the field of Next Generation Networks (NGN). The traditional concepts associated to NGN are extended by including up-to-date studies and standards and also by sorting future research lines according to the main challenges of such networks, namely architecture, management and mobility. The current trend suggests that certain key aspects are yet to be solved in order to determine who the actual owner of an NGN network is.en-US
dc.descriptionThis paper offers a comprehensive survey of recent developments in the field of Next Generation Networks (NGN). The traditional concepts associated to NGN are extended by including up-to-date studies and standards and also by sorting future research lines according to the main challenges of such networks, namely architecture, management and mobility. The current trend suggests that certain key aspects are yet to be solved in order to determine who the actual owner of an NGN network
dc.descriptionThis paper offers a comprehensive survey of recent developments in the field of Next Generation Networks (NGN). The traditional concepts associated to NGN are extended by including up-to-date studies and standards and also by sorting future research lines according to the main challenges of such networks, namely architecture, management and mobility. The current trend suggests that certain key aspects are yet to be solved in order to determine who the actual owner of an NGN network
dc.publisherUniversidad El Bosquees-ES
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dc.sourceJournal of Technology; Vol 13 No 1 (2014): Tecnología para hábitos y estilos de vida sostenibles; 45-54en-US
dc.sourceRevista de Tecnología; ##issue.vol## 13 1 (2014): Tecnología para hábitos y estilos de vida sostenibles; 45-54es-AR
dc.sourceRevista de Tecnología; Vol. 13 Núm. 1 (2014): Tecnología para hábitos y estilos de vida sostenibles; 45-54es-ES
dc.titleNew Generation Networks: a Networking Trenden-US
dc.titleNew Generation Networks: a Networking Trendes-AR
dc.titleNew Generation Networks: a Networking Trendes-ES

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