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Nota Editorial

dc.creatorMartínez Muñoz, Sergio F.
dc.publisherUniversidad El Bosquees-ES
dc.relation/*ref*/Arabatzis, Theodore y Jutta Schickore. “Ways of Integrating History and Philosophy of Science”. Perspectives on Science 20.4 (2012): 395-408. Burian, Richard. “More than a Marriage of Convenience: on the Inextricability of History and Philosophy of Science”. Philosophy of Science 44.1 (1977): 1-42. Chang, Hasok. “Beyond Case-Studies: History as Philosophy”. Integrating History and Philosophy of Science: Problems and Prospects. Eds. Seymour H. Mauskopf y Tad M. Schmaltz. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. 109-24. David, Paul. “Clio and the Economics of QWERTY”. The American Economic Review 75.2 (1985): 332-337 _______. “Path Dependence, its Critics and the Quest for Historical Economics”. Evolution and Path Dependence in Economic Ideas: Past and Present. Comps. Pierre Garrouste y Stabros Ioannides. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2001. 15-40. Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species. 1859. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1959. 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dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2018 Editorial El Bosquees-ES
dc.sourceRevista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia; Vol 18 No 37 (2018): Special Issue: History and Philosophy of Science; 7-21en-US
dc.sourceRevista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia; ##issue.vol## 18 37 (2018): Número Especial: Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia; 7-21es-AR
dc.sourceRevista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia; Vol. 18 Núm. 37 (2018): Número Especial: Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia; 7-21es-ES
dc.titleEditorial Noteen-US
dc.titleNota Editoriales-AR
dc.titleNota Editoriales-ES

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