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UNAB Reflexión Política
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UNAB Reflexión Política: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 766
The Human rights and their implementation by global actors
Parra, Concepción Delgado
Agroecology: A platform for Peace
Salas Picón, Wilson Miguel; Valenzuela Bonilla, Elsa Beatriz; Prada, Alberto
Objections to the Colombian peace: law and reality in 2019
Arias Henao, Diana Patricia
Indicators for measuring the response of states in the approach to trafficking in persons
Vargas Parra, Jakeline; Reyes Jaimes, Johana; Chia Cifuentes, Monica
International, national and local policy: public management of spatial accessibility for people with disabilities
Linares García, Johana; Hernández-Quirama, Andrea; Rojas Betancur, Hector Mauricio
Model of Socioeconomic Empowerment with a Gender focus: The experience of Cormbiente with rural women in Santander
Diaz Perez, Angela María; Silva Niño, Andrea Carolina
Constitutional values and principles as a framework for understanding the education of citizenship competences in Colombia with regard to the Saber Pro exam
Rodríguez Ramírez, Dairon Alfonso; Silva, Alonso; Maldonado, Jorge
Parra Ramírez, Esther
Against elections. The case for democracy
Pérez-Verduzco, Germán
Subjective senses emerging in a victim of the Colombian armed conflict.
Díaz Gómez, Alvaro; Pavas Cerón, José Geovanny
Electoral contravention in the political advertising of the candidates to the Congress of the Republic in Boyacá (Colombia), 2018
Lozano García, Mario Alexander; Morcote González, Olga Sofía
From the United States and Russia: a look at the R2P
Cujabante Villamil, Ximena Andrea; Quintero, Sara
The notion of victim and the Colombian armed conflict: hermeneutics, citizenship and gender equity
Bohórquez Farfán, Ledis; Avoine, Priscyll Anctil; Rojas, Yuber Hernando
Internal Forced Displacement in the Catatumbo Region: Massive Vulneration of Rights
Carrascal, Ana María
Effects of the decennial plans of culture on the promotion and projection of municipal communities: The case of Piedecuesta (Colombia)
Pérez, Luís Rubén
The destruction of a republic
Cifuentes, William
The Revised National Front: the institutional change in Colombia and its unplanned effects
Duque Daza, Javier
From intransigence to tolerance. The catholic action and speeches of the Episcopado Vallecaucano on violence, protestantism and communist ideas (1940 - 1965)
Abadía Quintero, Carolina; Echeverry Pérez, Antonio José
Kant, Kelsen and Rawls liberalism in the perspective of international peace configuration
Jiménez Benítez, William Guillermo; Meneses Quintana, Orlando
Displacement in Colombia: a gender perspective civil rigth and peace agreement.
Vos Obeso, Rafaela; Gutiérrez González, Acela
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