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Mostrando ítems 381-400 de 5027
The Electronic instruments in the Colombian Legal system
Mayorga Penna, Pablo Andrés
Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques. Proposal of lege ferenda in the Cuban legal system
González Cruz, Claudia; Morffi Collado, Claudia Lorena
The judges´ Law and the law of public administration: the most likely legal doctrine to the procedure for jurisprudence extension
Yañez Meza, Diego Armando
The public nature of the contractor as an exception to the rules of publicity and competition in a public contract: A look at French law and Colombian law
Rincón Jaimes, Andrea Esther
Drugs consumption in Colombia: analysis of the public health focus for its approach
Gómez Acosta, Andrés; Sierra Barón, Willian; Rincón Perdomo, Julieth Milena
The consolidation of integral reparation under the application of the conventionality control by the administrative judge
Camacho Vinueza, Daniela; Cárdenas Caycedo, Omar Alfonso
Jurisprudential analysis of the right to health in Colombia
Pérez Fuentes, Carlos Alfredo; Hernández Peñaloza, Franklin Alexis; Leal Castañeda, Katherine; Castillo Calderón, David Francisco
Tutela against judicial providences: elements, conditions and criticism
Higuera Jiménez, Diego Mauricio
Registration of control situation for joint-stock companies in single and majority shareholder events
Cárdenas Caycedo, Omar Alfonso; Enríquez Martínez, Leonardo Alfredo
Presumption of vacant real estate lacking a Registry Background and Real Rights Holders
Gonzalez Flórez, Flor Margoth
Survivor´s pension for same-sex couples in Colombia
Patiño Jiménez, Jessica Alejandra; García Juan, Laura
Ideas about environmental justice and social development in Colombia: from the constitutional court to the university classroom Recibido: Agosto 13 de 2018 - Evaluado: Noviembre 08 de 2018 - Aceptado: Diciembre 21 de
Ramírez Carvajal, Diana María; Rincón Zapata, Carolina; Gómez Betancur, Milany Andrea
Conscientious objection to the voluntary termination of pregnancy in Colombia
Salazar Medina, William Javier; Medina Rico, Ricardo Hernán
Contributions to social security and destination of the collection of certain taxes to the heading of the health system in Colombia
Villasmil Molero, Milagros del Carmen; Fandiño Barros, Yolanda Alicia; Pacheco Codina, Nubia
Legal basis for the economic autonomy of women in Colombia
Goyes Moreno, Isabel
The historical implications of Law 1774 of 2016
Pacheco Niño, Diego Javier
Constitutional right to a healthy environment: a guideline to establish taxes environmental extrafiscales in Colombia
Trejo Cruz, Yesenia del Carmen; Ome Barahona, Anayibe; Restrepo Lizcano, John Jairo
Calderón Ortega, Michelle Andrea Nathalie
The forensic veterinarian: Its role in the Colombian criminal policy acoording to law 1774 of 2016
Aguirre, Julio Cesar; Muñoz López, Carlos Andrés; Alarcón Solano, Angelith
Ethical and criminal-political analysis of the law 1774 of 2016
Sanguino Cuellar, Kenny Dave; Peláez Mejía, José María
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