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5: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 161-180 de 220
Audiometric classification scales for HNIR in epidemiological surveillance programs
Pastrana González, Vivián; Valderrama Aguirre, Augusto
Audiometric classification scales in epidemiological surveillance of workers exposed to noise in Colombia
Pastrana González, Vivián; Ospina Fernández, Oscar E; Restrepo Osorio, Hernando; Valderrama Aguirre, Augusto
Uncorrected visual defects and their relationship with musculoskeletal discomfort in the neck and upper back
Guzmán, Edna M; Calvo Amador, Diego F; Aguirre, Omar; Zambrano, Luis
Costs for low back pain in an EPS in Cali, Colombia
Arce Eslava, Sandra L; García Lozano, Erika J; Parra González, Elibeth; Cruz-Libreros, Ángela M
Absenteeism due to infectious disease in a forensic institution
Escobar Aramburo, María F; Duarte Suárez, Martha L; Caicedo Campo, Lourdes L; García, María M; Valderrama Aguirre, Augusto
Hearing fatigue and decrease in hearing threshold in call center operators
García Villegas, Juliana; Madrid Pineda, Diana M; Carvajal, Reynaldo; Cuervo, Constanza
Stress and mental health in air traffic controllers and firefighters at a Colombian airport
Osorio, María A; Rodríguez, Claudia M; Parra, Liliana; Acosta, Martín; Cruz, Ángela M
Psychological harassment at work from the proposal of the interpretive paradigm
Torres López, Teresa Margarita
Knowledge, attitudes and practices on preventing low back pain
González, Diana C.; Banguera, Brady E.; Gómez, Lessby; Cruz, Ángela M.
Hazardous solid waste in a mass passenger transport company in Cali, Colombia
Vallejo Morán, Luis A; Moreno Ortega, Sandra P; Cruz, Ángela M; Granada Aguirre, Luis F
Trends in the mortality of general practitioners and specialists in Cali, Colombia
Leal Terranova, Oscar E; Gómez Herrera, Olga L; Valderrama Aguirre, Augusto; Granada, Luis F
Universal precautions for the prevention of biological risk in an IPS
Rentería Valencia, Sandra; Rentería Valencia, Julián; Aya-Alzate, Virna; Granada-Aguirre, Luis Felipe
Identification of biomechanical risks in the assembly of electrical pipes
Guarnizo Salazar, Alejandra; Navarro Montilla, Leidy; Vargas Donney’s, Alexandra; Granada Aguirre, Luis F
Construction of a standard procedure for the management of mercury residues from thermometers
Arias Giraldo, Ana M; Lozano Gómez, Katherine; Castro Gómez, Carolina; Granada Aguirre, Luis F
Epicondylitis and risk factors: A review of the literature
Gómez Vélez, Diego Fernando; Montoya Molina, Fabián Augusto
Socio-educational intervention for the preparation of retirement in older adults
Aguilera Velasco, María de los Ángeles
Absenteeism in workers with reinstatement
Arias Moreno, Patricia; Carvajal, Reynaldo; Cruz, Ángela M
Absence of relationship between perception of the risk of accidents and accidents at work
Cobo Orduz, Diana; Galeano Grisales, Anny; Carvajal, Reynaldo
Footwear as a risk factor in occupational health, in a nursing service of a level II hospital.
Pedraza Melo, Aida M; Vélez, Laura S; Ledezma-Ordoñez, Lidia Y; Carvajal, Reynaldo; Gómez, Lessby
Violence and health in garment maquila workers
Ramírez Flores, Luz Elena
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