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Sufrimiento de dios y ausencia de dios en el pensamiento de Hegel de 1802 a 1807

dc.creatorVieillard-Baron, Jean Louis
dc.descriptionThe conception of the Absolute in Hegel covers God in the figure of religion. In it, God is not considered as an abstract substance, equal to itself, but as a figure of the Spirit which, as itself, extends through the “pain of the negative”, which causes its dialectical movement. The inner experience of the modern religion, the “death of God”, obeys to this alienation. Its presentation concerns the Incarnation of God and the sacrificial relinquishment of the Son whowitnesses the withdrawal of the Father. The present paper develops this negativity, from the Jena time texts, inherent to the holy: Faith and knowledge, the Philosophy of nature and mainly the Phenomenology of Spirit, in which the “unhappy consciousness”, the “art of religion” and the “revealed religion” figures are analyzed.The conception of the Absolute in Hegel covers God in the figure of religion. In it, God is not considered as an abstract substance, equal to itself, but as a figure of the Spirit which, as itself, extends through the “pain of the negative”, which causes its dialectical movement. The inner experienceof the modern religion, the “death of God”, obeys to this alienation. Its presentation concerns the Incarnation of God and the sacrificial relinquishment of the Son who witnesses the withdrawal of the Father. The present paper develops this negativity, from the Jena time texts, inherent to the holy: Faith and knowledge, the Philosophy of nature and mainly the Phenomenology of Spirit, in which the “unhappy consciousness”, the “art of religion” and the “revealed religion” figures are analyzed.en-US
dc.descriptionLa concepción de lo Absoluto en Hegel comprende a Dios en la figura de la Religión. En ella, Dios no es considerado una sustancia abstracta, igual a sí misma, sino una figura del Espíritu que, en cuanto tal, pasa por el “dolor de lo negativo”, loque acarrea su movimiento dialéctico. La experiencia propia de la religión moderna, la “muerte de Dios”, obedece a este extrañamiento. Su manifestación concierne a la Encarnación de Dios y al abandono sacrificial del Hijo que atestigua la retirada del Padre. El texto desarrolla esta negatividad inherente a lo divino en los textos del período de Jena: Creer y saber, la Filosofía de la naturaleza, y principalmente la Fenomenología del espíritu, en la que se examinan las figuras de la “conciencia desventurada”, la “religión del arte” y la “religión revelada”.es-ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Pontificia Bolivarianaes-ES
dc.sourceEscritos; Vol. 18 No. 41 (2010): Julio - diciembre; 453-477en-US
dc.sourceEscritos; Vol. 18 Núm. 41 (2010): Julio - diciembre; 453-477es-ES
dc.sourceEscritos; v. 18 n. 41 (2010): Julio - diciembre; 453-477pt-BR
dc.subjectDeath of Goden-US
dc.subjectMuerte de Dioses-ES
dc.titleSuffering of god and absence of god in the thought of Hegel from 1802 to 1807en-US
dc.titleSufrimiento de dios y ausencia de dios en el pensamiento de Hegel de 1802 a 1807es-ES

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