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Architecture of Cocoa Genotypes in Colombia as Affected by Bud Type, Grafting Technique, and Pruning

dc.contributorGaona García, Liliana
dc.creatorLozano Tovar, Maria Denis
dc.creatorGuzman Muñoz, Jose Arboney
dc.creatorRamírez Chamorro, Luis Enrique
dc.creatorGarcía Lozano, Jairo
dc.identifierreponame:Biblioteca Digital Agropecuaria de Colombia
dc.identifierinstname:Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria AGROSAVIA
dc.descriptionOrganization of plant aerial parts and root distribution, environmental conditions such as light, temperature, humidity and agronomic practices (grafting and pruning) influences the final architecture of the plant. Most of cocoa plantations in Colombia belong to the plagiotropic type that emit branches and suckers in a disorderly way, which leads to an unbalanced development, this makes it difficult to manage. To search for cocoa plants with better architecture, we evaluated the effect of the type of the bud (orthotropic and plagiotropic), the grafting techniques (approximation and patch grafting) and pruning (structural and conventional) on ICS 95 and CCN 51 clones. The monitoring was carried out at an open greenhouse and field. Plants obtained from orthotropic buds and approximation grafting had lower bifurcation angles, 42% more leaves and 50% more branches. The structural pruning had a positive influence on the architectural variables, which presenteda higher conversion (8.68%) of fresh weight of cocoa pod into dry weight of cocoa beans, meanwhile CCN 51 trees showed a higher conversion (9.76%) compared to ICS 95 (7.34%). CCN 51 had the highest bean index (1.30) and the lowest pod index (22.0). This study demonstrated that structural pruning improved bean indexand pod index. We concluded that for CCN 51 by approximation grafting technique is a good alternative for a tropical dry forest, as its production between 1995 and 2277 kg of dry cocoa beans ha-1 year-1.
dc.descriptionCacao-Theobroma cacao
dc.publisherIndonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute
dc.relationPelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal)
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dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
dc.sourcePelita Perkebunan 38(1) 2022, 29
dc.subjectorthotropic plants
dc.subjectplagiotropic plants
dc.subject. Theobroma cacao
dc.subjectplant architecture
dc.subjectapproximation graft
dc.subjectpatch graft
dc.subjectTheobroma cacao
dc.titleArchitecture of Cocoa Genotypes in Colombia as Affected by Bud Type, Grafting Technique, and Pruning
dc.titleArchitecture of Cocoa Genotypes in Colombia as Affected by Bud Type, Grafting Technique, and Pruning
dc.typeArtículo científico

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