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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 1437
Capacities, Causality and Modality
Rodríguez Warnier, Pascal Silvestre
Personal Identity and Science
Córdoba, Mariana; Quintana, María Marta
Proto-ideas of thermodynamics and evolution in Aristotle's biology
Serna Serna, Horacio Antonio; Sierra Cuartas, Carlos Eduardo de Jesús
The Twin Paradox in the Writings of Einstein
Simesen de Bielke, Martín Miguel
On the Ontological Status of Spacetime. A Response to Structural Realism
Castrejón, Gilberto
Scientific plurality and risk assessment
Pallitto, Nahuel
Corruption and social norms
Senci, Carlos Maximiliano; Hasrun, Hipólito Manuel
Epistemological analysis of grounded theory
Cárdenas Maldonado, Fabiola Valeria
From Genetic Profile to Genetic Portrait: Path Dependence in Forensic DNA Technologies
Sánchez-Zúñiga, Ariel; García-Deister, Vivette
Integration of Analogies in Scientific Modeling
Carrillo-Escalera, Natalia
Historicizing objectivity
Suárez-Díaz, Edna; Anaya-Muñoz, Víctor Hugo
You are not a selective realist-dialetheist
Estrada González, Luis
Analysis of the contributions and the senses of historical epistemology
Moreno, Juan-Carlos
Images in the explanation of human prosocial behavior and its evolution
Bernal Castro, Irma Catherine; Abrantes, Paulo C.
On the meaning and use of History in Philosophy of Science
Esposito, Maurizio
Naturalized Axiology in the history and philosophy of scientific practices
Echeverría, Javier
Historicism, history and philosophy of science
Martínez Muñoz, Sergio F.
Styles of reasoning, scientific practices and historical epistemology
Castro Moreno, Julio Alejandro
On blindness and emptiness
Zamora Bonilla, Jesús
Our parents’ (historiographical) sins Or how a virtuous relationship became vicious… and how to redeem it
Guillaumin, Godfrey
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